Full Livery |
Our full livery is an all-inclusive service supporting a busy lifestyle, leaving you free to maximise riding time with your horse & includes -
- Stabling on sealed rubber mats
- Bedding & unlimited hay or haylege
- Mucking out & skipping out (up to four times per day)
- Hard feeds (up to three per day)
- Late night hay nets
- Rug change & turnout(predominantly post & rail or stone wall)
- Catching in & rug change as required
- Supervised horsewalker exercise
- Pre-ride tacking up where required
- Arena assistance (by prior arrangement please)
- Grooming before & wash down after exercise
- Clipping, mane & tail pulling
- Weekly tack clean
- Handling for farrier, vet & dentist
- Use of all Rockrose therapy equipment
- All paddock maintenance
- Includes use of indoor and outdoor arenas and all other training areas subject to availability
£679.06 per month
Part Livery |
Service provided is as per Full livery 5 days a week with the livery client being responsible for the care of their horse the other 2 days a week.s -
£560.98 per month
Assisted Livery |
Our livery staff will support you weekdays Monday to Friday by undertaking the following -
- Morning feed (owner to make up the previous night)
- Rug change, turnout & evening catch-in (owner to rug change)
- Haynet given (owner to make up & leave out)
- Poo-pick & yard sweep once following turn out
- Early catch-in option where required for restricted grazing
- Early catch-in during poor weather
- Includes use of indoor and outdoor arenas and all other training areas subject to availability
Owners are expected to muck out every day (no deep litter is permitted without agreement) & to ensure they tidy & sweep fair daily. Feeds should be prepared the night before & left covered, evening haynet to be prepared. Ad-lib hay or haylege & sawdust bedding is included, however fair useage terms apply & excessive waste is discouraged. Where alternative bedding is preferred, small quantity storage is provided & £20 per month deducted. Alternative fodder must be agreed in advance & with good reason. Three sets of communal equipment will be provided for mucking out & the muck heap emptied by us. Each stable has a lockable box for low-value items at owners own risk. Tack to be stored in main yard tackroom with any other equipment restricted to one pallet footprint in the hay barn provided.
£399.81 per month
DIY Livery|
Our livery staff will poo-pick, all other care & tasks are owners' responsibility & agree to the terms outlined for Assisted DIY. Two sets of communal equipment will be provided for mucking out & the muck heap emptied by us. Tack to be stored in main yard tackroom with any other equipment restricted to one pallet footprint in the hay barn provided.
Includes use of indoor and outdoor arenas and all other training areas subject to availability
£301.35 per month
Grass Livery |
Field only, equipment space restricted to one pallet footprint. Hay is provided at cost during the winter at the discretion of Rockrose Livery. Any horse loosing condition on grass livery will not be permitted to remain. Grooming & tacking up areas are provided & owners must tidy & sweep fair daily. Grass livery fields are harrowed periodically, rested & rotated to counter worm cycles.
Includes use of indoor and outdoor arenas and all other training areas subject to availability
£202.65 per month