Lorraine Cunningham - Nutrition Talk | Wednesday 26th April - 7:30pm
Lorraine Cunningham has recently launched an online business called Nutritious Lolly which is designed to help people get off the yo-yo diet treadmill. However, there is another side to Lorraine's business and one she would like to introduce to Rockrose.Lorraine is a qualified Diet & Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist who works with clients on a one-to-one and group basis to enable them to achieve their health and fitness goals.
Lorraine also advises athletes and sports people on the right nutritional needs to support them in their bids to achieve new Personal Bests! She is proud to have worked with people at National, International and Olympic standard across a broad spectrum of sports.
Lorraine has been studying the relationship between horse and rider, and appreciates the complexities involved when preparing to compete successfully. This is a great opportunity to get in peak shape and have the competitive edge.