Sunday 28th May 2017 | Karele Showjumping Cash Show
Equine Facilitated Activities and Learning comprise of a range of practical activities involving horses and their environment. EFAL supports and promotes the user's personal, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, and through working in partnership with the horses we aim to improve the lives of disabled and disadvantaged children. We create a welcoming environment where our service users (who can be children, young people, adults or elders) can benefit from engaginging with our team of horses.
We work primarily with children & young people in the local community who are experiencing disadvantages. Many of our clients are people who find themselves marginalised, whether through being socially isolated or being labelled with an illness or disability. We give back control over what is important to our service users, enabling them to have a say in their activities, and encourage an inclusive & non-judgemental community where everyone is valued for their own individual strengths.
We currently work with 20-25 service users / month, operating an ongoing waiting list. We have been working in partnership with East Lothian Council to provide fun and motivating activities for 10 YP with social / emotional difficulties, all of whom have chosen to continue to engage. In the last year we have had 2 students achieve SVQ work accreditation through our work readiness programme and have continued into further education or employment.
- .50,.60,.70—NON-BS HORSES ONLY
- Mixed classes
- One horse/rider combo can only compete in two classes.
- One rider is limited to four classes.
Winner takes all.
Rosettes to 6th Place.